
Glow in The Light of The Moment

Viora’s advanced and proprietary PCR technology allows your practitioner full control and customization. Treatments are tailored to your unique skin condition and your skin type for the safest and most effective treatment possible. In addition to safety, Viora’s unique Contact Cooling technology ensures the most comfortable treatment possible with minimal downtime!

  • Skin Rejuvenation: Bring new life to your dull and aging skin
  • Hyperpigmentation:
    Even out skin tone
  • Vascular Lesions:
    Make unsightly Rosacea and redness disappear
  • Acne Clearance:
    Clear your skin for a smooth appearance
  • Hair Removal:
    Long-term reduction of unwanted hair

A Game Changer

All Skin Types are treatable with Viora’s advanced PCR technology. Viora’s contact cooling provides cooling before, during, and after each pulse, the light technology treatment provides the most comfortable experience possible.

Viora’s PCR technology includes variable pulse configurations, enabling rapid treatments, among the fastest in the industry. Treatments range from 30 – 70 minutes, depending on the specific application, each individual patient’s condition, and the specific area that is being targeted for treatment.


Schedule Your IPL Consultation Now

Each person is different, but for light technology treatments can be seen after the first session. Number of treatment sessions vary depending on the actual application and treatable conditions. In some skin conditions maintenance is not required, in others one maintenance session is generally recommended every 3-6 months.